Screenshots Linproman

Linproman's Taskform (shows scripts to execute on process- and systemevents) Linproman's  Processwindow Linproman's Processwindow shows cpu, ram and I/O-use of an application Linproman's Processwindow shows threads of an application Linproman's Processwindow shows scheduler-stuff of an application Linproman's main window showing processes in a treeview Linproman's general options Linproman's options to change colors Linproman's options to show or hide treeview columns Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing a summary of cpu, ram and I/O-use Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing cpu-utilization per thread Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing the cpu-core's clock speed average and max and also the temp Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing cpu and os details Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing ram and swap details Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing I/O storage and network graphs (you can specify single devices in this window as a summary of all) Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing data of all I/O devices in a table Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing battery-data in graphs Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing the details of an amdgpu supported GPU Linproman's shiny systeminfos showing the details of a nvgpu supported GPU Linproman Tray-Icon