Units and classes for Free Pascal/Lazarus/LCL
The units and classes you find here are free in the meaning of the four freedoms of free software.
Free Pascal/Lazarus/LCL units and classes are in active development (whenever I add new functions or do some bugfixing, it'll be published here). I'll try to add new functions
platform independent, but I'll not test on Windows nor care for it. My focus lays on Lazarus@Linux.
Description: Inherits TMemIniFile and adds a pathfunction (save location for the inifile) and also encapsulates the write&read-functions into an overload-concept.Example for using in Apptemplate.
Lazarus/LCL | |
IDE/Compiler | Lazarus 3.6, fpc 3.2.2 |
Language | Free Pascal |
OS | platform independent (tested on Linux) |
Version | |
Description: Class for multi-language-support in applications (requires VerInfo).Code-example additional to the documentation in "TLanguage_Class.pas" also in Apptemplate
IDE/Compiler | Lazarus 3.6, fpc 3.2.2 |
Language | Free Pascal |
OS | platform independent (tested on Linux) |
Version | |
Documentation: in headerDescription: Class, to extract version-informations from the program-file:
- ProductVersion
- FileVersion
- ProductName
- Comments
- CompanyName
- FileDescription
- InternalName
- LegalCopyright
- LegalTrademarks
- OriginalFilename
IDE/Compiler | Lazarus 3.6, fpc 3.2.2 |
Language | Free Pascal |
OS | platform independent (tested on Linux) |
Version | |